The Illinois Lottery brings back its St. Patrick’s Day Millionaire Raffle.
Tickets went on sale February 15 and the drawing will be held on St. Patrick’s Day (March 17).
- The St. Patrick’s Day Raffle is played like a typical “raffle” type draw game. Your ticket will contain a unique ticket number automatically generated by the terminal.
- A limited number of 500,000 tickets will be sold. Check out the prizes and odds below:
- 4 Prizes of $1,000,000, odds are 1 in 125,000
- 5 prizes of $100,000 each, odds are 1 in 100,000
- 500 prizes of $1,000 each, odds of 1 in 1000
- That’s 509 total available prizes with overall odds of 1 in 982
- The cost is $2….